have a KEEN day!
7:48 a.m. on 2003-07-24

Song of the day:Buttercup by Save Ferris

My hair is looking very cute, but thats a bit of a damper seeing as I have NO WHERE TO GO!It looks messy but neat and its doing this really keen flippy thing at the ends. But anyways...yes-I did just use the word keen. Its my new word


adj. keen��er, keen��est

Having or marked by intellectual quickness and acuity. See Synonyms at sharp.

Ardent; enthusiastic: a keen chess player.

Eagerly desirous: keen on going to Europe in the spring.

Slang. Great; splendid; fine: What a keen day!

Its also a loud,wailing lament to the dead. huh. Bt anyways...I got Holywood last night, but I havn't listened to it yet. I can't remeber whether I typed that or not,though. I'm gonna go check my e-mail.


wish you well