creative juices flowing back
7:19 p.m. on 19 November 2003

Song of the Day:Falling For You

the artists block came to a screeching halt as i composed a beautiful piece entitled 'I Love My Life' a few sketches later, idea after beautiful idea filled my head.While most dripped out like a good dream, a few stayed long enough for me to create. So, do you ask how the block fell like the berlin wall?(even if you dont, youre gonna find out, so deal with it) I was watching Empire Records. yes, not the best movie to get the juices flowing, but obviously good enough.

but, on a more superficial and teeenage girl note- EWWWWWW i have ACNE. *spits in disgust*

*dusts self off and continues* anyways, went to Aniles avec Kari im glad youre feeling better!!!!!! jack in THREE DAYS!in a mere 71.5 hours we will be screaming out the lyrics to a sex gods soul(and checking out his hot,tight,better-than-pauls ass!)lalalalalalaaaaaaa,teenage crush still raging. this has been going on for years now. they never last this long! (mmm,and the newest edition, John 5)(see picture above for reference)mer. talking to alex ^_^ whee.

oh, apparantly-i cant do a research project for grad project(too hard) so i'm just gonna intern next year. sigh. I like tweaks to diary. good idea tweak. i prefer to keep most of my writings to myself. locked away in some secure little notebook, never to be graced with the presence of anyone other than me. thats the way it will stay until i die 100 years from now.@_@ done now. i gotta go add my links, so bye bye

wish you well