I'm dreaming of a $green$ christmas...
6:29 p.m. on 14 December 2003

lets have a Clare's loosing it party.

I need to figure out what I'm losing...but I assure you the party will be fun...ice cream cake is pending as to whether or not the occasion calls for it..but I hope it does because I like ice-cream cake.

dude......don't mind me, I just woke up @_#
I like Christmas, yes, that's been mention many times before. But now I'm going to tell you kids about how much I smurfin' love presents. I really do. As much as I complain and bitch about how materialistic and brain washed the youth and world are becoming...I really want my shit now. I'm looking foreward to the books and VHS's and CD's and money.

Now, don't get me wrong because I also love giving people pressies. And I like it when I get the right thing and they smile and hug me and I get all *yay* inside. Because I've found something that kinda almost shows them how much I truely care for and love them. Now shoes and shirts and books and music don't get anywhere near showing you kids how much I truely love and appreciate you...but it's the only way I can with money.

See, I like money,I have nothing wrong with money, and I like the things I can get with money to occupy myself. But it doesn't speak or show love or give you a great big hug and an 'I love you' when your feeling really upset. Its doesn't kiss you goodnight when you have the flu. It doesn't make everything better. It doesn't mend the broken hearted or make Bill Gaters attractive(well, actually it could...but obviously he hasn't tried to yet, so I'm sticking to it. Besides, he should love himself in all his computer geek glory, he's probably laughing at the high school prom king that's pumping his gas right now). But, see my point is that during christmas....umm...

Fuck the covering up, I ran outta money for Mum and Rogers presents. Anybody mind lending me some cash?

well, HAPPY HOLIDAYS(and a bageless Festius) from me to you.

Dont worry kids, I got your gifts before I got theres, your all getting something.
♥ Clare

wish you well