7:26 p.m. on 18 December 2003

Its kind of funny, how one day you just wake up, look outside and all you see is grey.
but then you remember a time not so long ago when sunshine blurred your vision and flowers kissed you nose
and then your eyes flood and you try to reach in the back of your head just glimpse of yellow or green
but all you find is cobwebs and black
and old locked doors with the keys lost forever.Skeletons rotting in the dusty corners.
everythings leaking
everything broke long ago
but I don't what;or where;or why;and .... who
I want to know
I wish I had someone who knew and would tell me, show me.
purple circles shoved in my face. icy liquid and warm sensations. wake up again and start it over.
questions with no answers;answers with no questions

a little girl with no really hom. or soul or heart.

wish you well