THE FUTURE!!!! (*cowers*)
6:07 p.m. on 04 February 2004

Wow. Today, it really hit year I'll be a Junior. yeah, I know, *BRILLIANT DEDUCTION CLARE!** well, I KNEW that I would be progressing in high school, but just WOW. JUNIOR. In nineth grade, Sophmore year was entirely plausible, and Juniour invitable. But now that I'm SOOOOOO CLOOOOOSE to being out...I'm scared.

I want to be free, really I do. I want to have my own adventures and job and LIFE. But I'm afraid adult life. I'm afraid of taxes(which I can't even BEGIN to understand) I'm afraid of watching the news and the economical reaport and thinking "thats affecting me directly.This is MY money" I've never had a job where money comes from anywhere other than my mom. I'm used to begging for an extra ten if I need it. I CAN'T DO THAT OUT THERE AND ITS TERRIFYING!!!!!!!!!I don't want to worry about money or my kids or anything. I want things to work out the way they do in sit-coms. And a hot guy willl come in as a patient or something and I cure him and we get married and adopt Audrey and Aubrey and live happily ever after in our studio apartment.@_#

I guess I worry to much, but these are perfectly understandable worries, right?

or am I just crazier than we all thought?

wish you well