What I like about me
11:45 a.m. on 04 June 2004

okay, so it's no news that Clare doesn't talk about her strengths. But, I finally like myself. No, LOVE myself. I'm not going to go around with "I'm cool" being my catch-phrase, but bitch, I'm freaking awesome. I'm listing the stuff I like abut myself ^_^ I'm not perfect, but no-one is, I'm not trying to be, but I love me, finally, and it's awesome.

1.I like my body. Yes, there are "imperfections" but it's my body, not anyone elses, so no one else should care about it.
2. I like my drawings. I think I'm good. Kari and Kara both do AMAZING work, but we all have completely different styles.
3. Along with drawings, I think I'm a good painter. Like above, everyone has different styles, but I think I'm pretty good.
4.I LOVE my singing voice. I have so many different styles, and I've had strangers come up to me and tell me I was really really good. I can have a pretty soprano voice, a Kurt Cobain-life-sucks-voice, nad everything in between.
5. My style rules, who else can pull on grunge, goth and hippies styles all in just one week?
6. I think I'm pretty. Like my face and stuff.Not gorgeous, not beautiful, but not ugly.
7.My interests. They vary so much. I'm always surprising someone with them. Like, I love nature and hiking-but I can talk about serial killers endlessly.
8. My music taste. I'll give anything a chanc, so I have a huge range. How many people love Bob Dylan, traditional folk ballads, Manson, Acid Bath and Aretha Franklin? Not as many as there should be.
9. I like my writing. Different styles for different people. But my I love my essays.
10. I'm a kid at heart, and that's awesome. I have an innocent mentality deep down beneath. I'd rather chase butterflies and lady bugs and fireflies and watch cartoons and dream and wonder and ask questions and swing really high than do grown-up stuff. I mean, I love the mall and boys and stuff, but I dunno-I think the simple things are better.
11.I'm good at the guitar. Not as good as say, Paul or Kara, but I only started in October, and Stan told me that I'm the quickest student to come along that he's ever had.

See, I'm a pretty cool person huh? Yeah, I know.

So my heads getting too big now, kind of hard to keep it from tipping over (lol) so I'm going to go. Bye loves.

wish you well