2:42 p.m. on 07 June 2004

YESSS. Life is complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, okay it started off kind of dull because I wasn't allowed to stand up in front, but Becca and I (I scalped the extra ticket to her for 10 dollars, and she was soooooo coooool)just stood in front of the bleachers and no security guards came over so we were dancin' and rockin' out. Then this guy playing air guitar took my had and twirled me, he was awesome. So he had tickets for up front and took us upm so there we were, standing in front of the stage while Dylan was playing All Along The Watchtower...could get any better? Yes.

The guy was wearing a cowboy hat. How cool? WAY COOL.

Then, the hotel room. dammmmnnnnn sticky. A five star hotel room with wonderful beds and the greatest greatest GREATEST bathroom EVVVARRRR. Pus room service and cake. YUM.

wish you well