Fuck atheism
11:10 p.m. on 21 August 2004

I believe in God.

Wait, scratch that...

I believe in a higher power

Okay, here...
Science can explain why a mountain was made, but it cannot explain why it is beautiful

Science can explain why a human is, but cannot explain why they love hurt smile and find beauty.

Yet, if you want to nit pick it, your parents are bunches of meaningless atoms and quarks and whatevers...but your spirit and soul explain why you love hate and cherish them.

Your spirit and soul explain why you oppose wars and human suffering.

Without Gaea/God/Buddah/Jesus Christ et al. your lover sister brother best friend mother father aunt uncle and anyone else you care for are meaningless mass.

If you want to break it down into more science, if there isn't something else that provided feelings and emotions-you wouldn't bat an ee if any of them died. Nor would poetry move you, music know you and movies amuse you.


I believe in The Great Sprit and power of The Earth. I believe in many powers. Father Sky, Mother Earth, Brother Sun and Sister Moon. I believe in equality between these powers, but I also believe in evolution.(Essentially Paegan, and no, it isn't devil worship-don't believe everything your told-ask me if you need to know more) Call me a hypocrite, I don't care.

I had fun at camp, made friends blah blah blah, more later-I'm tired.

Chomsky is a genius.

wish you well