a short little rant
11:10 a.m. on 04 November 2004

With rumors of another terrorist attack under way, and have a terrorist as our dictator (I mean leader) it�s brought me to realize something. All those people that died so that they would be seen as equals in the Civil Rights movement, all those oppressed women who stood up for their rights and were shunned, everyone that ever took action for what they believed in, America doesn�t remember. Bush thinks only of money and then plays the humanitarian card. When the twin towers went down, he pretty much said �fuck �em�. Is that the kind of leader that we want? Did the terrorists really want Kerry to win? NO! Osama Bin Laden said that we deserved to know how it feels after years of us coming in and attacking them. But Bush has construed that as �They hate us because we�re free�. Are we truly free? Freedom is not having to make the choice �Will I get my daughter her shots or eat for the next month?� Freedom is not denying people their right to love one another. Freedom is not being tied down by material gain. No one is truly free. Capitalism is the opposite of freedom. Marx had something going there when he was talking about the evils of a corrupt capitalistic world. We no longer feel. Money has desensitized us to the point of not caring about those who struggle every day to merely live. You say freedom isn�t free. I feel that freedom has to be in order to truly be freedom. What happened to our three inalienable rights? What happened to my right to choose? What happened to everyone getting a proper education? What happened to the America that I was raised in? Why will I never have social security? Why will my children and there children not have an earth to live in? Is this war truly justifiable? If we want to stop terrorism let�s start with China. Let�s start with North Korea (oh wait, we can�t, because they really do have Weapons of Mass Destruction). Let�s start with social benefits for all of our residents. Lets start with slave labor. Let�s start with Wal*Mart. And if you really only went to Iraq because of their oil, just say so. Mr. Bush, your word means nothing to me. Mr. Bush, a change is going to happen. A revolution. An up-rising. We are not blind. We can see what you are doing, and what you will do. We understand your double speak. We know that you don�t give a fuck about the blacks, gays, women, and poor people. We know that you only work for the rights of the top one percent. We will fight to the death to see that America is restored back to the one I was born into, and the one that our founders envisioned. Liberty and justice for ALL.

wish you well