6:55 p.m. on 12 November 2004

1. First Name: Claire

2. Were you named after anyone? I hope not

3. Do you wish on stars? sometimes ^_^

4. Which finger is your favorite finger? index...

5. When did you last cry? therapy....wednsday

6. Do you like your handwriting? it's man writing...but I like it okay

7. What is your favorite lunchmeat? hrmmm...I dunno...turkey? I'm not a vegitarian anymore...but I don't eat meat a lot

8. Any bad habits? The Fat Man-hahaha tiff ^_^

9. The most embarrassing CD on the shelf? Greatest Hits Of The 80's-I found it in my basement...it has CORY HART!

10. If you were another person, would you be friends with YOU? no...but I'm a self loathing individule...

11. Are you a daredevil? no

12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? @_# yes T_T

13. Do looks matter? oh em gee...lyk YAH. Fuck no. look at the guy I like now!!!

14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? lol...yeah...

15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? um...nah

16.Do fish have feelings? it's okay to eat fish, cause they dont have any feeeeeelings.....<3 Kurt Cobain....but yeah, I think they do

17. Are you trendy? I dunno...I get what I like...what I like is normally in thrift stores

18. How do you release anger? writing...beating Paul...you know...all that good stuff(I love you Paul)

19. Where are your second homes? Kari's

20. Do you trust others easily? never...I think I trust 2 people in the world

21. What was your favorite toy as a child? jingle ball

22.What do you think is the most unnecessary class? Science And Society

23. Do you have a journal? a few....and some online

24. Do you use sarcasm? no...

25. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? yeah...and I start them at inappropriate times...but oh man...thrashing hurts!!!at least the neck..moshing is fun though...

27. What are your nicknames? Claree

28. Would you ever bungee jump? no...afraid of heights and sproingy ropes(bungee cords, if you will)

29. Do you untie your shoes before taking them off? I don't tie them to begin with

30. Do you think that you are strong? not in any sense of the word

31. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? mint

32. What's your favorite color? black...pink....kelly green...white....grey

33. What is your least favorite food? McDonalds...I saw super size me....ugh

34. How many wisdom teeth do you have? they haven' come in yet T_T

35. Are you in love with anyone? I've decided to never fall in love

36. How many people have a crush on you right now? 1 crush...5 people I would do givin the chance

37. What sports do you play? laugh-at-the-stupid-people.....quite competitive

38. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? nah

39. What color pants are you wearing? tan

40. What are you listening to right now? When The Kite String Pops-Acid Bath

41. What are the last 4 digits of your home phone number? 3254

42. What was the last thing you ate? pasta

43. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? lyk...carnation pink!!!!

44. How is the weather right now? drizzley

45. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? the acura lady

46. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? teeth...they have to be cute...a little crooked...think Billy Corgan

47. Do you like the person who sent you this? haven't seen her since 8th grade

48. How are you today? @_# I HATE LIFE

49. Favorite Drink? kiwi lemonade ^_^ from Applebees

50. Favorite alcoholic drink? I don't drink

51. Fav. Sport? male gymnastics...

52. Eye color? mine or ingeneral? mine are bright blue...but I like it when guys have one dark and one light eye

53. Contacts? glasses all the way...I'm an emo fag, muthafucka

54.Hair color? blone roots-the rest is black....like yo momma

56.Favorite month? July-no school and HAWK CIRCLE

57. What is your favorite food? aniles

58. Favorite show you watch?FAMILY GUY

59. Favorite day of the year? I dunno

60. Are you too shy to ask someone out? yeah-normally I'm not asked out...they just randomly start kissing me (The Quaker is a good example)

61. How many people do you you have crushes on right now? you're a douche bag

62.Scary movies or happy ending? I consider any movie where the ass hole dies a happy ending ^_^

63.Summer or winter? winter...I don't have to worry about getting tan

64.Hug or kiss? kiss if it's from the right person (don't even MENTION homecoming)

65. Relationships or one-night stands? one nighters...relationships make me uncomfertable

66. Want your friends to write back? mer

67. Who is most likely to respond? Dunno

68. Who is least likely to respond? Dunno

69. Living arrangements? Roger(schmeh mer yech) Mum, Senor Gato and the dog

70. Books you like to read? surreal or social views(Invisible Man, 100 years of Solitude, Brave New World.....anything by Huxley)

71. Favorite smells? coffee in the morning and rain

<--there's another entry

wish you well