9:37 p.m. on 05 April 2004

That woman. She has a serious sick up her ass. or a dildo tht she forgot to take out. Well, would you risk having aother child if thre's a chance it would end up like NATE? No, neither wuld I.

Anyways, there is no Art Clb next year half of me goes "YES!No more busting my ass for an unnapreciative bitch!" but the other half goes "NO! COLLEGE!"

I am going to a liberal arts collge and no-one will stop me, even if I don't have the Art Show to show off my work or a consant hook-up of college pamphlets. I WILL GO TO A NICE ONE TOO!


DAAAAAMN that cake was good. Bt now I really need to go out and buy "Smells Like Children" so I can listen to My Monkey. I just woke up and I'm supposed to be working on the William Blake project but I'm taking a break before I start ^-^

<3 Clare

wish you well