12:15 p.m. on 2003-07-29

Song of the moment I believe ill dust my broom, by Robert Johnson


Mom finally said that I can go to the hospital about my leg(the wound is now black in the center) but it doesnt hurt that much anymore. I'll put the ER off for another day, besides-if I went I wouldn't be able to see Kari...and that would suck.

Whilst in the bath, I had a revelation. I'm not that bad looking naked. Yeah, I know-TMI. But really, I used to hate the fact that my legs were ridiculously long compared to my body, and the face that my tummy has a bit extra ahem padding. but I don't really care that much anymore. It's my body-I'm stuck with it forever, I might as well like it.

Flex-All is my new best friend. thanks to it (nad a warm bath)my leg feels normal. Sorry sticky, but I'm above you. lol.

I'm around page 200 in Sybil. I'll be reading it and I think that I've only been reading for a few minues and I look up and an hour has passed. Few other books have had that effect on me. You know, if my mother and father did to me what they did to her, I would have 16 personas to act out the way I feel too. I'm not saying thats why ALL the people with Multiple Personality disorder have it, but I think thats why Sibyl has it. Mary is too weak. Vanessa is OK, but shes mean to Marcia. Considering theyre best friends and all. Vicky is still my favorite. Shes so nice, and the reasin shes there is to help Sybil. God her mother is such a bitch. AND shes the reason the Peggys are there. But thats all I'll say about the book.

I had no sleep last night, well thats not true. I had 3 hours of sleep last night. On and off. The only dream I remeber was a very good one. Jack was making a movie about his life and I played his high-school swwetheart that nobady knows about. I woke all warm inside. Bonus: Meg looked OLD(as if she doesnt already)

Well, thats all I have to say about my thoughts. I bid you adeiu


wish you well