12:20 p.m. on 2003-08-06

Song OF The Moment I'm A Pepper(The old Dr.Pepper theme song)


The Diary is pink. I like it better than the sky blue. I wish I could find some more color codes though. Oh yes. Idiot Pie-Boy told me to be a radical, never conform, stay true to myself. THAT coming from a money obsessed insurance company CEO. So I guess your wondering what made him say that(actually, he wrote it down)well, it happens to be Childrens Day in the Culver/Jamieson/Weber family. Its this thing I started when I was 3 or 4 because I thought it un-fair that there are mothers and fathers days, but no childrens day. So I get to go out to dinner tonight. You see, the way theyre planning it is-not be home until 9:00 every night, but then buy my love for one day out of the week. (Thats why I went to the thrift store last Friday, even thought they worry/scare mumsie) I really wish I had more blank CD's. There are a bunch of songs I'm downloading right now, but I have not the (blank) CD's.

Kari, I'm sure you'll find the purse your looking for at Prussia. They have everything there. Well, except for a decent soft-pretzel for less than 2.50, but you know.

One more thing, The Kitty is at the vets. It seems he got in a little fight with one of the cats(Its was probably Ernie)and his tail got bit and it started oozing, actually, it looked very similar to my spider bite. Which is feeling much better now. So now hes staying over-night. I hope they give him Kitty-sleeping pills. hes so cute when hes just getting up from them....

well, thats all for now


wish you well