entry #2 and scary movies
2:51 p.m. on 2003-08-06


I was just thinking about some of the movies I have seen durng my life, when I remebered one that a)scared me shitless and b)pissed me off waaay to much.

That movie was Left Behind if youve never heard of it, its about the end of the world. From a Jesus freaks perspective. I watched with a bunch of overobsessive cathloics too. But anyways, everyone that accepts jesus as a savior gets to go to heaven, they are saved and all is well. But-the catch-people who dont spend 7 years living under the rule of the Anti-christ and basically living hell. Thats the part that scared me(and when the people kept staring at me and told me to 'share my feelings about god' at the end of the movie)The part that pissed me off is-horrible people could accept Jesus as their savior and go to heaven, but great people that are hard working and good could be Jewish and have to live 7 years in hell. Oh yes, I forgot to explain the '7'. Jesus comes back after the 7 years are up and takes the people that have converted. But what about the Buddahists that believe if you do somthing wrong it will come back to you, and there-for try harder than almost ANY other religion to commit no wrong.

The movie was basically telling me that 'If you arent christian, your going to hell, your going to live a life of torture because you dont believe what I believe'. And thats what those people told me too. I'm sure its great and refreshing for any hard-core christian, but FUCKING HELL IT WAS SCARY!

wish you well