squee and nny
12:10 p.m. on 2003-08-10

Song Of The Day Beautiful People, Marilyn Manson ^_^

hello hello---

Im going out today!possibly to Hot Topic wher I will buy at least 4 comic books, possibly a few pins (I plan things when I'm bored. Also-Borders!oh, I went into a chat room last night.It was proabaly the first time in a few months I've been in one of those. I had to go through like 4 before I found one where people actualy talked to me, but then fun was had. Thats what reminded me to buy Johnny 1-4. That, and I read Aquee at Karas and need more Jhonen. BUt yeah. I have decided what time the shin-dig will start(sorry, but I love that word, I dont care how incredibly dorky/loser-ish it sounds.)anyways...anywhere between 6:30 and 7 would be great. Fuck, I still have to contact Katie. I kinda miss the psuedo-lesbian....god Im sad. Oh, I have once again been reminded by mum that when I'm her age I'll have fat arms and bad knees. I quickly reminded her that when she was a kid, she had to work to get ok-looking legs. These babies come naturally. Its really quite sad when your self-assurance come from your daughter self-esteem(or in this case, lack there of.

OHHHHH! Jackos even more whacko. He went to the head of the Taco Bell franchisein a spider man mask and demanded that they build a Taco Bell near Neverland, because all he has is Subway. @_@ what the fuck?well, I best be on my way...ovies


reassurance of the day: If you can read this you probably arent dead.........or illiterate....

wish you well