im a sophmore
8:02 p.m. on 2003-08-25

Song Of The Day:HArd Days Night

I got MEDS!!!! yay! my leg is feeling better already! Mrs. Shenk annoys me, and the American History text book is an idiot. HOW DARE THEY GLORIFY WHAT COLUMBUS DID AND PUT ALL OF WHAT LIEF AND ERICK DID INTO A PARAGRAPH!!!!!plus, I did this shite in 7th grade! Its an HONORS class and I did it SEVENTH fucking grade!

On a happier note, I got a new friend(I guess you could call her that) her name is Devon(aka, the scared sophmore)ALEXXXXXXXXXXX I didnt get to se youuuuuu!!!!!!! (,- -) that upsets me muchly. but I have lunch with the Kari!!!yay! no more Pam or Beth!!!! wheeee! well, I must go eat. lovies and huggles


wish you well