3:09 p.m. on 2003-09-08


Sunday was a turning point in my life. I cant believe I forgot to put it in! Ive decided that there is no god, satan, etc. If there was, they certainly wouldnt stand for a religion that preaches "your soul will be saved with a measly 10 percent of your paycheck!" that wouldnt be bad if EVERY SINGLE sermon wasn't about money!Ive actually thought that for w while. i went over it breifly in the old one...but yeah. I still need a little a whiule to sort this out. but bottom line...there isnt anything waiting at the end of the rainbow. just a continous cycle. born,live,die,born,live,die,born,live,die etc etc until us stupid humans(who came about through evolution)destroy the damned thing and start all over i know who say "who created that earth?" I cant explain that, but it wouldnt have been "god" because with out humans minds there is no god. please dont write in saying im in for eternal damnation and its not to late. fuck off if you were thinking about doing that.


concert on friday, dance on saturday (i get to bring NAPKINS!)what else what else?hmmmm, methinks...oh yes. im gonna do a report on the trail of tears for honors american history so wheeee



wish you well