5:36 p.m. on 2003-09-15

Song Of The Day Mr.Cellophane

The Clare did not secure the role of Olive. lindsey did. That girl was always incredibly cold twoards me, with the exception of one day. eh, ill get over it. Im trying to write a coffeehouse at the moment...i have 2 characters at the moments. thats about it. ergh. today wasnt the best of days, i have really ugly blemishes on my chin and a little on my forehead.and today i wore a skirt, which further reminded me of the hideous scars on my legs. the one thing on my bady thats attractive had been ruined by SCAR TISSUE. @_@ imm so fucking consieted. and sick. and i saw a gopher get run over. but i also ate at panera. poor gopher. T_T too many things meet their demise in my prescence.ergh. i shall right when im in my right mind. whever that thing scuttled off to. i want a fedora. damnit.


wish you well