3:17 p.m. on 2003-09-16

Song Of The Moment: Love Song, Manson

*le sigh* The Clare is tired...my sleep last night was constatly interrupted with waking up. (that made sense in my head) how is one supposed to get good sleep when ones dreams are this erotic? eh, i have to stop looking at pictures of jack before bedtime @_@ but anyways...

I couldnt make the shirt today, but tomorrow i will. yes yes, tomorrow. Ive started writing out the script...i think ill just put up signs around the school(with permission, of course) asking for people to try out. hmmm, i doubt most will get it..but as long as they can read i suppose.

has anyone else noticed how strange noses are? eww, theyre just big bumnps with hole slapped in the middle of our face. with out them, profile drawing would be SO much easier.

but all in all, today was slightly spiff. *slightly* but this leaves clare to wonder....why did the tweak almost cry? I ♥ tweak!and everyone else. ::huggles::

one more thing, i will be going to the concert! wheeee! i dont care if amanda gets me a date (unless he REALLY REALLY hot, im not going to homcoming!)

wish you well