7:01 p.m. on 2003-09-22

The Basics

1. a.} What's your name: CLARE

1. b.} What's your nickname: i go by many forms; sticky, claree, clare-bear,Whore Faerie #2 a really old one is Willow
2. What do you wish your name was, instead: hmm, Ive always liked the name Audrey, but i dont think it suits me very well. i enjoy being Clare
3. How are you?: i just got my internet back and I have a life. shit is good

4. Would you ever eat sushi?:yes, i love the veggie kind
5. Would you ever eat sushi off a naked body?:John,Brian,Jack,Nick,Jeordie,NAte is a possibility. ~.^ but i believe those are the only ones
6. Have you considered homosexuality?: I havnt had any lesbionic expieriences, so i dunno. I like guys to much, at the most im bi. I DONT KNOOOOOOOOOWWW
7. What's your sexual preference?: straight i believe, didnt we go over this??
8. What were you in a past life?: i was a hippie that od'd
9. I punch you. Quick, what do you do?: kick you in the fucking generals you douche cunt
10. When confronted with Britney Spears, you...?: in what situation?
11. What's your favorite coffee?: caramel
12. What's your political perspective: Moderate. i have a few liberal views(comm. side of the spectrum, believe it or not) and a few conservative veiws(facist side of the spectrum) @_@ ive been paying to much attention in history
13. Are you my Angel?: you know it dahling ~.^

14. Do you consider yourself a poet?: i write poetry, but im not all that good
15. What do you wanna be when you grow up?: i want to be remebered. i want to be a star. but ill end up a teacher... -.-
16. There's a naked man in your living room. What do you do?: eww, i hope it isnt Pie. hmm, is he purddy?or is he just some creepy stalker guy?
17. How stupid do you think you are?: im pretty smart when left to my self and in some of my works i sound smart, but im average. possibly a teenie bit above. but not much
How stupid do other people think you are?: a lot think im a pompous bitch. and they think im an imbicile. *shakes head* i hate this place
Who the hell do you think you are?: you
Is the Wonderbra good or bad?: the wonder bra is pain
22.favorite fruit?: cherries, strawberries, blackberries.
23. Can you feel the love tonight?: you know it, cause your my ANGEL. lol
24. On a nude beach, you would..?: be fully clothed and laugh at everyone. you dont want to see me in the nuddie pants, im doing you a favour
25. Make up a story with yourself, a bridge, and a bunny: i pulled a Nny and named it Nailbunny then fucked jack hard on a bridge. then he and the nail bunny proceded to talk about Reenie(in a bad way) and we laughed then when swimming. but nail bunny drowned. T_T i miss you nail bunnyyyyyy
26. What do you think about contemporary art?: some of its ok
27. Do you like being naked?: not that much. but i like dancing around in my panties andtank top ^_^
28. If we had proof god didn't exist, what would happen?: Id laugh and say "told you so"
29. Do you enjoy cheeze whiz?: never had it. arisole cheese just doesnt do anything for me
30. What's your position on virginity?: i am one. i will be for a while. but not as long as L&A. HAH
31. On civil unions: okay

32. On RuPaul: he(shes?) my hero.(heroine?)BR>33. On mosquito bites: UGH.
35. On Fran Drescher: her laugh is damne sexy. lol
36. Are you left handed or right handed?: left. ^_^ im special go me
37. Are you smart?: aparantly you arent, this question was already asked. cuntorama
38. What's your middle name?: Marie(yes, like the brother and sister dancing duo that is both country and rock and roll)
39. How many personalities do you have?: its becoming increasingly difficult to tell. im hoping one
40. How many piercing do you have?: 4
41. What was your first word?: 'duck' mama and daddy were really low on the list actually.
42. Are you superstitious?: a bit, a bit
43. Do you read your horoscope?: i dont bother
44. Do you believe in that stuff?: i guess.
45. Can you do a cartwheel?:
46. Do you have contact lenses?: who ever thought of those is an idiot. instead of the glasses on your face, lets stick them in your eye!
47. Do you have a retainer or braces?: no longer
48. Can you drive?: not leagally. but yes, i can
49. Do you snore?: when i have a cold
50. Do you drool in your sleep?: i probably have at one time or another, but none of which i can remember
51. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: lick.
52. Do you keep a journal?:i have afew around
53. Do you like onions?: *recoils* ewwww
54. Do you like cotton candy?: mmmm...*drools*<= you said it K@ri
55. What instruments can you play?: voice, violin, guitar, bass
56. Do you like to dance?: yes, i dance to broadway musicals. @_@ god im a dork.

57. Do you like to sing?: yepp

58. Are you any good at it?: ive been told i am. it depends on the song, really.
59. Do you like to talk on the phone?: yeah
60. Do you like where you live?: oh yeah, this place is THE SHIT. oh, my bad, cross out 'the' there you go. its SHIT. im not shackin' yah...
61. Are you organized?: witrh my computer files. but everything else.....mer
62. Do you sleep with socks on?: in the winter or when i forget to take them off
63. Are you shy?: you know me. im definatly not shy
64. Do you talk to yourself?: yes
65. Are you a morning person?: the part of the morning that im sleeping, yeah
66. Are you a virgin?: we went over this douche, dont fucking rub it in
67. Are you proud of that?: seeing as im 14, i suppose its a good thing i still am
68. Do you believe in reincarnation?: that the only area of spirituality i believe...

69. Do you believe in God?: no

70. Do you believe in ghosts?: Sam...poor him....yes, ive had expierences with spirits
71. Do you believe in bigfoot?: we dated for a while, actually. oh wait...that was Angus
72. How old do you wish you were?: 17
73. What will you name your daughter?: audrey or Morgana

74. Son?: Aubrey.

75. Have you ever thought you were gonna die?: yes. ack, the climbing incident...

76. Where do you wanna go?: anywhere but here.I wanna pull an Enid


1. Been kissed?: yes.
2: Done drugs?: ehhhh
3: Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: with the enlistment of others
4: Been on stage?: 2 words.Oh shit
5: Dumped someone else?: yes.
6: Gotten in a car accident?: nope
7:Watched "Punky Brewster"?: nope
8: Been in love?: i try not to be that attached to people


9: Shampoo: herbal essence
10: Toothpaste: some strange minty kind...

11: Soap:Dr Bronners cult bubbles.(peppermint castile)
12: Type of soup: ministrone.but soup....agh....that was sickining the ammount of soup we had on the survival trek...
13: Room in your house: my room.
14: Instrument: any stringed


15: Coffee or hot chocolate?: both.
16: Big or little?: little.
17: Lace or satin?: my alter ego: silky lace and hmmm...lace
18: New or old?: old.
19: Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt?: neither, really.
20: Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?: tom cruise.<- hah, K@ri...
21: Vogue or Material Girl?: vogue.
22: Jeans or cords?: cord by far. i love broken gren ones ^_^
23: Sweater or sweatshirt?: sweater vest!!!!!!<= ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh@_@ okay, im done. sweaters
24: T-shirt or tank top?: black tank
25: Skirt or dress?: both.
26: Wool or cotton?: cotton*the touch, the feel*
27: Rose or Lily?: rose.
28: The way it is or the way it was?: i want to go back to when i was five, living in the conditions i am now.
29: Oldies or pop?: oldies!!! make some noise m/
30: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope.
31: Do you have a best friend?: a few

In the last 24 hours, have you...

32: Cried?: no.
33: Helped someone?: yes.
34: Bought something?: yes.

35: Gotten sick?:no
37: Gone out for dinner?: nope.
38: Said "I love you"?: yes.
39: Written a real letter?: yes
40: Moved on?: from what?.
41: Talked to an ex?: no.
42: Missed an ex?: gahd no.
43: Written in a journal?: yes (ahem...).
44: Talked to someone you have a crush on?: yeah....
45: Had a serious talk?: not Mariana trench...but yeah sorta
46: Missed someone?: i always miss people. i know to many people damnit
47: Hugged someone?: there isnt a day that goes by where clare hasnt hugged or been hugged
48: Fought with your parents?: i havnt even talked to them
49: Fought with a friend?: no.

Do you...

50: Wear eye shadow?: some times.
51: Put on a "front"?: yeah

52: Kiss on the first date?:no.
53: Have a crush on someone?: sorta kinda...maybe.....yeah
54: Eat with your mouth open?: i try not to, i hope i dont. eww


55: If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would be?: faerie, small of my back. small black upside down heart, outer-upper thigh

56: What color is your floor/carpet in your room?: "confetti burbur" im serious
57: What was the last CD you bought?: i dont know. ive downloaded a few though
58: How did you spend last summer?: hawk circle, in my house, with friends
59: When's the last time you showered?: 12 am
60: Are you tired?: yes
61: Are you lonely?: nope
62: Are you happy?: yeah
63: Are you wearing pajamas?: of course
64: Are you talking to someone online?: i was talking to mindy and amber, but they got off
65: What are the initials of your crush/interest/spouse?: ill never tell(Amanda knows)
66: What is your astrological sign?: cappy
67: What is the sign of your crush/interest/spouse?: im not good with those kinds of things
68: What time is it?: 7:52

that was a little quiz i found in myssis diary. anyways, i have internet again *dances* and i have to go. i love you all! ♥

wish you well