come for the lesbians, stay for the poetry.
8:52 p.m. on 2003-10-08

She Said She Said, The Beatles

mmm, today ended nicely. Poetry "at the lake" was at a womans house(her name escapes me)and she has 2 kids. One a brooding teenager(i just like the word brooding,jejje)named David, and the cutestlittle ten year old named Michael.awwwwe...subliminal hugs for Michal. Speaking of Mikes...why?!?!?! for the first one and ^_^ do I really love you? for the second one.

hmm...David probably walks to school, I should try to strike up conversation with him some day. Just because I like meeting new people. I was mauled by a spider and a small furry black fetus like kitten names "Jinx"(reminds me of Jessika)well...Im off to sleep and shower a bit. toodles
♥ Claree

wish you well