jeb........*shakes head*you dumbass
11:14 a.m. on 2003-10-13

I Hate You, Reel Big Fish

mer. Today I woke up and felt Im not getting into it. I just want Mrs.A to get back to me on the therapy. DAMNIT.

other than that, things this weekend have been fun. YAY!Tweak cuddled with the andy!!!!! was his little bubble nice?I still think you two should go out, it would be really cute.

note to self: steal the broken guitar from the shack, or at least offer minimal ammounts of money. well, im off. Jeb Bush is a fucking idiot. Abortion is necessary in her case. I'm pro-life(anti-abortion, whatever) to the extent of whores getting knocked up every night and not taking responsibility of their actions. if ya didnt want a kid, shouldnt have fucked around with a guy you barely know. but thats only my opinion. If in endagers the womans life, if she mentally isnt able to care for the child, raped, or under the age of 11, then I can understand it. about the 11 thing, a student of mums was raped by her uncle when she was nine, and had the kids at the age of ten. If that happened(it actually happens a lot) by all means have one. I guess I dont kow where to stand. circumstantial abortions are fine. thats a very repetitive paragraph, but im tired so meh. but: Hes the dubyas brother, what the hell do expect from him? anyone within that gene pool has got to be an idiot.

Loser just came on the radio. whee.

but anyways, yeah. I think i was done im not sure. byeee

wish you well