a bunch of randomness
3:48 p.m. on 2003-10-21

Sweet Dreams, Manson style.

soooooo yeah. I LOVE THE ALEX!AND DONT YOU EVER FORGET IT!(i love everyone else, too...your ALL special to me!)I must get tabs for sweet dreams. ^_^ the weekend shall be grandies. and October is almost over...but Halloween is tres soon. my outfit is super-spiff ~.^ soooooooo sexxay. but anyways...gah my ubies hurt like the dickens from playing the "killer guitar"(as named by Stan, also vicious is a common adjective for it)and the guitar person still hasnt called back this souns like a job for....NNY!(see layout for clues as to who 'nny' is) but anyways, this is all a bunch of rubish so ill stop now. but! beore you go! i have 2 annoucments!
♥Clare took the PSATs and didnt die from her brain overloading. they were actully easy and got me outta Alg. and Hon. Amer.His.2
♥im going out to Coconuts to pick up my White Stripes display I was promised months ago....FREE OF CHARGE!

luffies and hugs

wish you well