new layout, new eyes
3:36 p.m. on 2003-10-23

Song Of The Day:Plateu, Nirvana

today was...better than expected. I saw Sally, she was nice. I have more problems than I would like and its going to result in medication...(-_-)mer. but after that Mum and I went out for some chinese and ran a few errends (and went to the book store where I got a book on western stupididty and a bvook by the leader of the black power organization. I dont feel comfertable stating the title as it is bad, and may offend some-but ask and Ill tell. Im probabl going to beat myself up after reading it because Im white, looked good)because I didnt want to go back to school. I really didnt want to run the risk of ANOTHER breakdown.but yeah, Sallys really nice. ^_^ and I missed chorus.

oh yes, do you like the new layout? I had a different one with a really nice picture, but the picture wouldnt showup (bastards) but heres the link if you wanna see it here but anyways. I'm a big fan of Lucky Designs, and I've been wanting to use this one for a while. I'm actualy reconsidering whether or not to get gold. I really want one that was designed by me but anyways, I must scuttle off...ciao

wish you well