haha, art club
6:46 p.m. on 2003-10-27

Song Of The Day: If I were PAUL

mmk, so today was nice. groping of pauls "manly parts"(no, not that,....his breaticles silly!) awwwe, kara got braces!and shes so cuuuuuute.*pinces karas cheek subliminally)and Tweak and Andy are now Tweak&andy. isnt that cute? awwe. ♥ love is in the air. Friday will be nice, and I finally got my guitar back ^_^. dude, sweet emotion is on.....daaaamn homie. but anyways, this halloween i am "girls gone wild" and "lollipop sprinkles" the amish porn star well, i must be going


wish you well