11:33 a.m. on 26 November 2003


this week has been...strange to say the least. amidst the various love triangels(one of which is an orchestra) and hurt feelings...and my therapist. ugh. I DIDNT WANT TO TALK TO HER ABOUT THAT. AND SHE ADRESSED LIKE IT DIDNT EVEN AFFECT ME THAT MUCH, THEN HAD THE NERVE TO SUGGEST I GO TO A GROUP WITH OTHER PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN AS MISTREATED AS ME.

*sigh* maybe mistreated was the wrong word. neglected.verbally abused. another mystery i cant seem to figure out, she told me to think of a happy time in my life with him. i could only think of a handful when he was actually there. 3 when he wasnt drunk. and 2 actually happy times. im sorry, i feel selfish listing my problems when other people have them too but....eh. its my life, i shouldnt apologize. this is getting weird. bye

wish you well