whack a grimace
6:50 p.m. on 21 December 2003

ello ello

so...hmmmm. Well yester day was fun (suprise for La Shaka) and cleaning. so now my room is pretty and my guitar callouses are building up(clean for half an hour, play for an hour...you get the gist) so needless to say I was still fimishing up with it when josh and Kari came over to pick me up. I thought we would be late, but we were like 20 minutes early and got to see kara when she was in 1st grade ^_^ it was so adorable! lets see.....hmmmmm...what else? Oh yes! I played with drums at her dads.

then today went to ChuckECheese with Kara and Kari and had cotton candy and whacked grimaces repeatedly. I LOVE KARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^ ^_^ ^_^ whee..I shall be ever thankful. ♥

anyways, saw Finding Nemo...tres cute. I ♥ Peaches. and Dory. dude. SHE RULED!!!!!!!!!!and of course the turles and "squishy"(I shall name you Squishy and you shall be my sqishy")but anyways I'm tired and have to do work, so bye bye.


wish you well