5:46 p.m. on 25 December 2003

This Christmas kicked ASS. Granted I didn't get new movies, or many new CDs and a few books(one of which Alex gave me, but this one was big and hardcovered. But I got loads of new supplies and A BRAND NEW TURNTABLE/CD PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plus 2 beatles,one weezer,one john lennon and one whit stripes vinyl. ^_^ ^_^ It was great.

but I thought I had broken half way through because when the record stopped, I flipped it over and put the needle oon again and it wouldnt play. I FORGOT TO PUSH RIGHT FIRST. I geeked.but then I fixed it because Im smart. well, Im going to see Cold Mountain now, so I'll scuttle off. Hope you all enjoyed your ramahanakwanzmas!!!!

(ps, Im addicted to Hey Ya by out cast, you can stone me when you see me in school next)

wish you well