"Were talking about politics" Senor Shakey
2:56 p.m. on 11 January 2004

last night was v.fun. We all brazed the cold and met up at applebees. The involved waiting 45 minutes for a table(in an un-heatedlobby type thing)and me putting a 'cocaine covered mexican' paso in my mouth. yum. We finnally got seated, and our waitress was Carrie, not Michelle. grrr.Anyways, while waited for our food after being seated, I drew. You know, in those little colouring books made to entertain children so they don't cry a lot. Well, Kara and I had lotsa fun with those things. I drew sexually explict stick figures, and Kara drew dying stick figures. And going with tradition, I drew the waitress-Kill Bill sytle. ^_^.

The the waitress walked over,right in the middle of me drawing a crude red and yellow penis. Pauls like "Whats the red stuff above it" and I'm like "The bush,you idiot!" and Carrie was just standing there,stared at me and then walked away. Were talking about POLITICS! Bush,Dick,Colon. HELLLLOOOOOOOO CARRIE! You PERV! lol.

then we ate cake and everyone was happy.

then I ventured to Karis house to sleep over and we watched Hard Days Night whilst I drooled over George, and Kari drooled all over John. MMMMMMMMM GEEEEORGE! hes soooooo sexxxxxxy. Dude, Ringo is HILARIOUS! He now above paul.

Reporter:What would you call the hair cut?
George: Arthur.

oi, and then DOLLAR GOODIES! (a night is not complete with out it!) I got and adorable pen holder that moves and is shaped like a pig named POP TART! and some notebooks,stickers and hair clips. Well, I must go off and pick up my Aunt. Bye


wish you well