lesbians,Green Day, and a whole lotta blood.
1:20 p.m. on 19 January 2004

Okay, so this isn't exactly heart-breaking news, but it touches a place deep down inside me...

Green Day broke up. Now, I know that I rarely (if ever) listen to their music, or really even notice they're there....but still...it's kinda sad.

Their concert was my first REAL concert. They're "Warning" CD introduced me to the world I now know, brought me out of MTV dream land and into alt-rock. I guess. I always liked Dylan and classic rock...but...I admit-I liked MTV. There. I said it. MER. But anyways, I used to buy any magazine that breifly mentioned them. Their pins, shirts etc. It really is sad. I think I'l go and listen to the B-sides as soon as I'm done...or I'll just go back to dancing to 'Hey-Ya'.

Now onto my 'crazy-consiracy-theroy-of-the-day'. Hey Ya is brainwashing the youth of America into doing crazy finger dances. Everytime someone does a Hey Ya Move(H.Y.M) Andre-3000 gains millions of dollars and souls to add to is growing crazy pants collection. (his pants are pretty whack). But I continue to do this dance move because it's just so dern fun!

I saw Mullholland Drive last night...very good. I did get it, and the directing was fantabulous. Thank you Kari. I started reading A Bright Red Scream also last night, I'm liking it, but that jewish lady really freaked me out. Self mutilation is bad. I know. But I read it so I can know the warning signs. Don't worry kids, I wouldn't do somthing like that, you know my low pain tolerance!

Well, I must be going...setting up the printer with Pie. ICK.


wish you well