Rant About Crushes
5:35 p.m. on 05 May 2004

This whole crush thing sucks so bad. I hate it. I can't even look at him in the halls. If I see him coming one way, I have to turn around and go down a different hall. Or Look down and pretend that I'm looking for something until he passes. I'm late for classes trying to avoid him. (He goes down the center stairs after 1st block, which is how I normally get to geometry, so I have to take the left hall, after that incident where I almost ran him over)I can't pay attention in speech class. I feel his eyes damnit! I wish I were a normal person when I was around him. I felt myself meltng when he complemented my art. And my cheeks were on fire they were so red. Normally, I fall for someone that I atually talk to. You kno, all ready have a stable relation ship with? Adam L, 5-7th...Tyler 6-8...Eli 8th...Hunter 9th...etc. But this time it's different. I wish I could be like Samm or Abby when they talk to him. So cool and collected and not stumbling around and babbling on about serial killers and statistics, or ranting about how people revered Freud as some sort of genius.


wish you well