hug me
8:10 p.m. on 12 September 2004

Isn't this layout awesome? It fetures ♥John 5♥ and lyrics from User Friendly and I Don't Like The Drugs. ^_^

Okay, so after pondering out loud to Paul, and having him responding when I ddn't really need a response I have come to conclusion.

I'm going to ask him to come to Aniles with us sometime. Say...Kara, Kari, Paul, and Tweak? Would that be too much for one booth?

Anyways, I went to Kohls and got 2 cute shirsts and a sweater, even though mums intentions were for her own clothes. What can you do about it? I'm gonna miss Tiff sooooo much. But I'm jealous cause you don't have to be in school for a while. I'm actually thinking about going to homecoming, date or no date, who's with me?!?!?!

o-( ,- -)-o hug me

isn't he cute?Anyways, I gotta do stuff

wish you well