It's been a long, strange trip
5:44 p.m. on 21 November 2004

les sigh...this weekend was interesting. I'll start at the begining.
So Thursday I stayed home from school because I was "sick"(I didn't want to run during Sience and Society), then plodded down to Drama practice with my guitar and sleep over equipment in tow. DIdn't have practice so I plodded back home and played with a cool white dog on the way. They slept until Kenzie came and picked me up. Got there, played a "guess who's next" game outside until everyone got there, then played something and ate mysterious rolls. Then had a cuddle-puddle in the living room with Ben,Paul,Kenzie and Tweak...I think that was it. After the guys left Jessie, Amber and I caught up on each others lives and talked about boys. They think this one guy ikes me, and I knoe he doesn't. ANYWAYS. hen left Kenzies in the morning, ate and Aniles, went back to my house, hung, and then spent the night at Jessies. Chris came and he talked about feet. Was invited to his party, and only went because I knew ABK wuld be there. Played his guitar, hung with Ally and Sarah and Kurt and ABK. PLayed spin the remote and mearly died. But thats another story. Crotches and breasts were groped, but it was dark, so no one knows whos hands touched whos nether regions. Confuzzling. Then came home,slep for forever and a day, then Ryan called and I went out with him to Coconuts and Applebees. Got Mer De Noms but it skips. Once again, le sigh. I alost kissed ABK, but alas didn't. BUt Sarah and I talked about the wonders of Michael Pitt and BOB DYLAN! ANyways, mum made cookies, and I barely ate ths weeked. Tons of candy necklaces at Kenzies, a latte at Jessies a slice of pizza at aniles and fries at Applebees don;t cut it as 4 days worth of food.

wish you well