kurt and clare have a heart to heart
11:53 a.m. on 24 January 2005

im so bored >_< this weekend has been fun though. See, with me, when I've been around tons of people and then, suddenly, I'm by myself, I get really effin' BORED. Meh, I'm entertaining myself...oh, here's a fun convo from last night.

me: so is it true that you and Katie Adams are dating, because that's what Bryan said
kurt: wat. im not dating anybody
me: oh wow okay because I thought.....tht you and jessie......or katie......or.....im dumb
Kurt: i wanna sled tomorrow
Kurt: get some MAJOR air all the way
me: wow, you got like....3 feet of air on that
me: so you said no to jessie?
Kurt: no to wat
me: she asked you out
Kurt: o so thats why she said "do u like me
me: Kurt, I love you, but my god you're dense
Kurt: dense?
me: exactly
Kurt: wat exzackly do u mean by that

it went on like that for a while. Well, I have to go, bye loves

wish you well