Oh Christ
4:23 p.m. on 16 April 2004

Today was a normal typical Friday. Oh, except for one thing.

I felt dirty while watching it too, for some reason watching someone sleep is just so violating, especially when your thinking about doing him right then and there.

But anyway, I was watching "Quiet One" sleep today in class. It was sooooooo adorable

okay, I'm done now...anyways today.....night....whatever...well Film Fest is happening at 7:00 and possibly Kill Bill Volume 2? Oh I hole so. At the very least dinner.

I'm watching VH-1 right now...I WANNA BE FAMOUS!!!!! right now. I also realy want to date a few of the rock star/actors that only the "beautiful people" can get. Or maybe I can just settle fr him le sigh...

wish you well