much love to mah homies
5:55 p.m. on 2003-10-02


today is brighting up muchly.

I L♥VE TWEAK AND KARI!!!!VERY VERY VERY (x100) MUCH! and thousand mwahs!

also-i learned Head Over Heels by Alanis Morsset,got Bowling For COlumbine...and had a talk with Maternal Unit about how Brian is really anti-violence. the whole time I reffered to him as manson and she thought I meant Charels Manson.And now calls me 'Squeaky Manson'. mer. but i had off school...i knew today was going to be one of those days and didnt feel like skipping out on maths again. I am now rested and ready to go back for one more day.

^_^and we have fri and mon off next week. in which im allowed to have a monthely sleepover...and invite guys...(as usual-but this time theres more!!)^_^

i love everyone else too...I forgot theres three so I LOVE ALEX TOO!

wish you well